Monday, February 21, 2011

Assumption is a sin........................

I happened to bump into a church friend the other day while having my lunch, we talked briefly then she began to say this "hey Eugene, have not been seeing you in the church lately and the other day a Miss so and so said that you were already backslided already."

I was like saying silently in my heart." Me, a back slided Christian again?, i don't know how that assumption is made but as deep in my heart, i know i still belong to HIM"

Yes, i missed attending church a few weeks in a row but then again that does not warrant anyone to label as a "back slided" i am not accountable to anyone, i know perhaps it was intended to mean well but the again meaning well does not again mean making wrong assumption, right?

I can even portray myself as the most pious blogger you'd ever known should i begin to quote bible verses in every entry of my post or should i begin to write with godly connotations here in my blog but then again, does that really make me a Godly person, if my daily life does not reflect that i am one..................?

Have a great week ahead guys and God Bless.

P/S : Before the assumption, look for confirmation


  1. There's owez something to talk about. We can't stop ppl from assuming or talk about us, we can just live our lives the way we like it ;D

  2. When we can't control people mouth, just ignore and be happy.

  3. I know how it feels... some people just like to make own assumptions =_=
    Anyway, you know yourself the best, so we dont have to mind what other people is saying...

  4. Care less on these things and live your life happier. We can't control everything and get pleased everytime. You know where you stand, thus ignore the assumption people made.

    Enjoy your days ahead, Eugene...

  5. I hate to say this but...some Christians/people can be so 'judgemental'!

    If they don't see u at church...why not the first Question that comes to their mind is more like..."Hey Eugene, How have u been? Hope things are fine..haven't seen u at church for a few weeks!"...something like that!

  6. I didn't attend weekly but I did it regularly. What I meant is , I attended once or twice monthly. And.... some folks told me they see me attended the church for very long. Haha...

  7. "Judge not...and you will not be judged." So those busybodies are the ones who have sinned...and will have to answer for it on Judgement Day.

  8. Only God can judge you and not anyone else...:)

  9. Someone once told me that assumption is the biggest mother f*cker... sorry for the word but I think that's really true.

    Sad even well meaning brothers and sisters in C can also have such bluntness, causing hurt in others.

    Most importantly God knows your heart. Ppl who attend church diligently proves nothing does not necessarily mean they are holy, but that's a start. Hope you get to go back to church more often now.

  10. Personally I am not into any organized religions and cannot stand anyone preaching to me about their version of GOD.
    One thing about assumption (ASSUME) is it usually make an ASS out of U and Me.

  11. you bumped into someone while having lunch? whoaaaaa. not healthy to be walking around while having lunch. better to sit down and slowly chew and enjoy the food. cheers!

  12. You are a covenant person because you walk in love, not because you go to church.. ~ Bishop Keith Butler.

  13. I experienced this before.. people might think otherwise.. but this is between you and God and no one else..

  14. Yeah... they always ASK and don't Assume!

  15. as long as u r sincere, others doesn't matter.

  16. Well...perhaps he was just know...they have nothing better to say. :D

  17. Hey Kuching guy,,if you happen to come back and read my blog again,, i say thank you,, i am sorry ther is no way to say that except here in my blog

  18. And thank guys for sharing your comments
