Sunday, March 08, 2009


Today's more important than Obama's inauguration, and today's more important than any other days,except for one, 8th of March marking the day for all the women in the world, it is a day we celebrate the power of woman, the love of a woman and the sacrifice of a woman, it is The International Woman's day.

To all my female bloggers, i simply want to say you're the GREATEST,

P/S : Indeed the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world


  1. Wuhooo... that includes me! Yay! Ahahaha... anyway on a more serious note, Eugene, 8th March 2009 also mark one year after the previous GE. Is our country in a better shape than it was in 2008? I am not sure it is, but I'm at least glad that more Malaysian are starting to speak their mind.

  2. hehe... i didnt know got women's day also...
    so when is man's day?

  3. 3 8 women day!
    But i did not celebrate also...
