The truth is, the picture is about this guy's desperate moves to get back the wife, to ask for forgiveness from the wife and to reconcile with the wife after he had been caught by the wife for cheating on her not once, twice but thrice.
He claimed that he was now repentant, he was wrong and most remorseful, so he decided to carry out the outrageous modus operandi such as kneeling down from dawn to dusk in front of a shopping mall hoping the wife would forgive him.
When i read this piece of news, it took me back to a conversation i had with my wife about infedelity when we first got married, and i can still remember her answer to me when i asked her, what would she do if i were to be found cheating on her, she simply said she could forgive me if it was the FIRST TIME, (see, i still have my license to sway, hahahahah) but there would be no turning back the second time and she was adamant about it.
Cheating on your wife more than once, and you expect forgiveness for the hurt and the torture you inflicted upon her, can it be so easily reconciled? Or rather, do you think your wife would be so gullible to believe that you would repent after your few flings?
The problem with most of us man is, we always think that girls outside are hotter, sexier, kinkier, more adventurous than our wife, and on top of that, we would always think that we would not be caught red handed and even if we were caught, we are so very sure that we have an armoury of excuses to defend our misdeeds.
Note : remember the show "Fatal Attraction," starring Micheal Douglous
P/S : If you love sampling different kinds of MILK, please be prepared to be slaughtered like a cow
berani buat berani tanggung ... right bro !
ReplyDeleteWell... I share the same sentiment with your Mrs, Eugene. First time, I still can forgive my husband, because I still love him enough to try to trust him one more time and save our marriage. But second time, third time? What do you take me for? Some dumb sex slave that you can keep in the house to cook and clean up after you? No way. There should not be a second or third time. And, I believe, things goes both ways, for both husband and wife! What that guy did was not romantic. He's just probably trying to save on alimony. Dare you say otherwise? I'm telling you, there's no woman with a right man who will go back to such bastard. After all, women deserves better than be treated like some dumb bimbo bitch!
ReplyDeleteI dunno how'd I react if mu husband cheat on me. I don't even know whether I can forgive him for the first time. You're lucky that your wife's willing to give you a chance. Make sure you don't do that ah! Hahaha :D
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't even forgive him even if it's the first time. Once you cheat, things just won't be the same. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
ReplyDeletedont worry guys,i love my wife so much that i would not abuse the priviledge i have in the first license.
ReplyDeleteyeah..i remember fatal attraction.. that is a good one.. think twice first.. but then.. how many men think more than once?
ReplyDeleteRenaclaire...men dun think twice. I know my husband don't. =.= kanasai punya, typical male!
ReplyDeleteCeline, I tell you what to do. Pick up a broomstick, chase him out of the house, den call up your mother in law to get her on your side. LMAO. If ou dun hv the heart to knock him on his head, let him mom do it for u. LOL.
Ha ha, love this posting. You got a great wife there.
ReplyDeleteI salute you for daring to even ask your wife that question, ha ha.
I wouldn't even dare think of it.
Anyway...my wife doesn't mind I look, admire, talk...but there's a line I dare not cross. Besides age against me, ha ha.
Oh ya, there's a saying, 'never monkey with another's monkey's monkey, unless you're King Kong', ha ha.
Have a nice day, keep well, Lee.
ye laa eugene...1st time bleh laa maafkan lepas dah marah macam org gila...tapi 2nd, 3rd time..?? melampau laa tu...terajang je bagi mampus...
ReplyDeleteehhehe ur wife so lucky laa...dah bagi lesen pun u still loyal ngan dia je...
Ya, I read about the news too.
ReplyDeleteHere, his blog
Hi Eugene, thank you for your kind thoughts at my pondok.
ReplyDeleteRe your request mentioned...
check out my archive....history days.
1/ A stroll down memory lane. D/d 12/1/08.
2/ Mystery wife behind a veil. D/d 2/22/08.
3/ Before you were born. D/d 6/8/08.
Should you wish to comment, would appreciate you leave it at my present posting saves me searching for you, ha ha.
Thank you and have a nice day, Lee.
really not many pity him... He is good in writting those chinese charater lol!
ReplyDeleteyay... this is good.. ya.. berani buat berani tanggung.. padan muka...huhu...
ReplyDeleteeheh.. i hope my future wife wud think da same.. ;p
ReplyDeleteI like ur P/S message, hahahhaa, funny! =P