Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wonder of Second Chance

I remembere vividly 29 years ago, the first time i stole something, the first time i knelt down on my knees asking for forgiviness, the first time i was shakened to dealth, the first time i thought "mata would come and arrest me, the first time i knew my mother would be very upset with me.

29 years ago, i was at a bicycle shop repairing my bicylce, suddenly i saw this very attrative refletctor on the other bicylce, i was drawn to it, the evil side got the hold of me, not realizing there was an uncle monitoring my every move from the nearby coffee shop. The moment i took that reflector and put it in my pocket, i was caught red handed by that uncle, that uncle insisted that i was to be sent to the police despite the fact i was there kneeling on my knees with tears rolling down my cheeks, that uncle still hard on me but the big-heartedness of the bicycle shop owner who insisted otherwise, i was given the special second chance.

Untill today, i can remember this incident, untill today i am thankful for that second chance.

I know one day, my children are gonna make mistakes, i know my children are going to let me down, but i know on that day, with open heart i shall give them a second chance

P/S , life will be lot nicer with second chance

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