Monday, March 14, 2011


This is the most "kan ne neh" cartoon depicting the Tsunami that hit Japan last friday. How can someone be poking fun at those innocent people who suffer from this natural disaster.

Bad taste to the core..........................................................

What is the point of saying sorry when the hurt is inflicted?

P/S : We are supposed to be caring but sadly there are those ..........


  1. Oh no! This is very 讽刺 lo! Ask me is it funny? Definetely NO!

  2. Curse those who make fun of it. We know that Ultraman is just for entertainment. When Us was hit by disaster and terorist, where are those heroes in 24, armageddon, Hancock? etc?

  3. I wonder what went through their mind when publishing this. Empty mind people

  4. Wait till when they face all the disasters only they will know how it's really felt ... what a big shame on this cartoon ...

  5. This "malu" thing has been announced in CNN news! Then later on, twitter Straonline mention that: Berita Harian apologized!This is not funny ok!

  6. Oh dear..was this in the local paper? Not in good taste that's for sure.

  7. Grossly insensitive, retarded mentality... Stupid...but not surprised at all...coming from "those people"!

  8. Ya.. This is just so unacceptable. Don't joke about people's misery..

  9. at first glance..i thought it was ok because indeed everyone was running for their lives.. hmmmm

  10. How come they think is funny to joke abt it ???? what a shame and senseless .... and i m truly pretty heavy hearted with the latest tragedy !! :(

  11. How can they still have a humor sense in this time? I dont even know what to say when I read some other users' comments, poking about this happening event, in many News Website... *sign*

  12. Oh ya they did apologies to public already...but really not humor langsung.

  13. insensitive and uncalled for

  14. The cartonist is so out of idea, till he's taking people's suffering into a joke? Which newspaper is that? Just don't buy the papers then!

  15. yupe! how can those people so idiot to draw this kind of cartoon.

    No heart at all.

  16. damn fucking cartoonist ! i was almost to tears when in the beginning i saw what most of you pple saw in the TV. i tabik the Japanese pple for being so calm in handing this moment.if other countries - habis lo ...riots ,looting chaos.

  17. Wake up everyone! Wake up! This is not the time to let anger gets the better of us! Offensive cartoons is not the real issue!!! WAKE UP! -

  18. We cannot trust most of what our major local newspapers say as they are all corrupted to the core. I wonder how the editors and reporters can go to work daily and still have some backbone at the end of the day. I guess this little cartoon is a way for some of them to exercise some "freedom of press" moment.
    Yes, it is bad taste to make fun when so many lives are lost, but we should not encourage any more censorship as our local journalists are already very good at self censoring on sensitive topics and giving us distorted news.

  19. In another word, I believe the cartoon is acceptable whether we like it or not. This is a small little step to genuine press freedom.

  20. @Kuching Guy... I believe, your opinion is rather double standard where our press is concerned... I mean, when people poke fun at us... or the official religion in Malaysia, the government did not exactly say it's 'the practice of free speech and opinion'. They call it insult, is it not? If we want such thing, I truly believe that we cannot do double standards.

    I don't mean to sound wry, but there's a fine line between censorship and being civil.

    Truthfully, Chief editors are not stupid. They know the rules of publication-on what can be published and what cannot be published. All articles must go through them before being published. Chief editors must have known the effect of such publication, and perhaps… have orders from 'so and so' to provoke emotional outbursts in order to divert the citizens’ attention from the real issue that’s plaguing in the background.

    Again, my question is... where is the authenticity of news when 'news' are hidden with sensationalized items such as this one? Where is 'freedom' of reporting truth when it's covered with diversion such as this? This too, is a form of 'sencorship' is it not? Ponder on that. =D

  21. Whether there is a hiden agenda or not, to poke fun at people's suffering is just bad taste, you can do it to your own not at others

  22. yeah.. saw this in FB.. sad lah some ppl...

  23. Let's pray for the people in Japan.

  24. Oh no..the BH brain is in the knee,,, (soory for the bad word)

  25. @cleffairy.
    Hmm... I don't think I am double standard.
    I agreed that making fun of other people's tragedy is crass. But, I also believe we should just let our lousy politician-controlled-newspapers print whatever they want, and the politicians should allow us say whatever we want.

    We all agreed there are some sensitive things we should not say in a certain context; but in general, the newspaper or Malaysian citizens should allow to express freely about legitimate issues.

    It is OK for BH to print that cartoon and it is a positive freedom of speech exercise for us to complain.

    About the authenticity of news; I think the truth lies somewhere between in the middle of opposing views. Every piece of news is predicated on the reporter and editor's bias.

    Look at what this key Egyptian newspaper's editor's revelation about doctoring Obama and Mubarak's photograph.

  26. Ihis is too bad...oh my...the cartoonist be must be very sad..
