Friday, April 24, 2009

Dont mess with my friend,

I was told by claire (My fellow blogger friend) sharing with me how a psycopath, mentally deranged fellow left some unwarranted, nasty, unehtical, uncivic,vulgal and foul comments in my another fellow blogger friend's blog, so i went to check it out there,indeed the comments were not inviting at all.

Even i've never met this blogger friend(the one under attack) i immediately i showered him with my sincere support there, that's what i thought i should do, to lend support to my cyber friends.

We bloggers know, we sometimes can be inundated with nasty comments but then again i guess we are all prepared, but the saddest thing that can happen to us is that those buggers attack us behind the veil, behind anoynimity and snipe at us with their mother f**king comments.

We respect the freedom of speech,but we despise cowards who try to curtail our right to freedom of speech, we respect their freedom of speech but then again, they should do it like we do, be EXPOSED

To you Kev at , my support is solid and unwavering, and standind up for our right to freedom of speech, and to you the Attacker Pukima ( i thought that's what you call yourself) i respect your freedom of speech too, but do it like we do, ok?

P/S : If you dont like us bloggers, it is ok, we appreciate your comments (kind or otherwise) but let us thank you in real person,OK?


  1. some ppl just doesnt know their limits. eventhough we are in the virtual world, we are still human. they just sometimes forget that!

  2. Thank you for your support, Eugene. I'll just let him vent his frustrations. I suppose he's merely trying to exhibit his wizardry in using profane language, and he has nothing better occupy himself with. This is the type of people we have to deal with when we expose ourselves to the unknown.

  3. NO SH..#$%@!% please.. WE ARE ONLY BLOGGERS not executioners...

    (pst... btw, did i get that word/sign correct?)

  4. Claire,

    Yup, those signs are vulgar enough to make an innocent kid cry home to Mama.

    Anyway, I practice 'no anonymous policy' on my blog. Yes, even though I cherish my reader's thought, but for those who don't even bother to introduce themselves, I don't think deserve to participate in a civil discussion.

  5. It takes all kinds to make the world...and how a person comments is in fact a blatant display of his/her upbringing. Just ignore them - they are in fact slapping themselves in their faces.

  6. Agree with Merry - we are all human. We deserve some respect.

  7. That is the power of writing!! some people a coward..they cant say it loud but can write very nasty. whatever it is..just let him do layan je..Im sure he will tired after all

  8. i think that person has low self esteem and wants attention, of which i think he lacks of. one of a BU member also quit after receiving nasty hate mails....also from another BU member. damn siao lar.....why like that?? happy weekend bro!! TGIF yuhoo!!!

  9. I don't get people - they want to comment and say something mean yet they want to hide under being annoymous. Ah well. Have a great weekend Eugene.

  10. *sigh* creeps are everywhere. Another goddamn good reason why one should be very careful to be careful at exposing their real id online.
