Friday, August 15, 2008

Sons.. you deserve it...

Today marks the end of another school term for my 2 boys, which also means they will have a week of holiday ahead. For the children it is their hand loose time, for the parents, i would reckon it is headache, especially both are working parents.

But sad to say, most of the children's handloose time will be preempted with lots of tuition classes yet again, or special improvement classes like "how to score in your exam" or "how to achieve straight As". May be i am a little bit of non-conformist, to me school holidays are school holidays, carefree, hangloose, let it loose, do a bit of crazy stuff, but not duck in school works again.....

According to a survey i read somewhere, teenager suicidal trend and age has taken a different twist from the past 10 years, teen suicide rate is escalating, the age is getting younger, and a lot of them are getting clueless about the significance of schooling anymore, and the situation is getting worse, where the schools or even society are giving more emphasis and praise on the bright students.

My boy of 11 of age has told me that he too has had experienced some forms of pressure from school. There is one phrase that i would always ask my boys. " are you the happiest boy in your class" i really want them to be happy.......

P/S.. please give our children sometime to be happy...........................

1 comment:

  1. there is no room for happiness in college for me..LOL!!
