Friday, May 30, 2008

Son in Law

I am a son in law (SIL) to my wife's mother and father, and not a son to my wife's parents.

I am a son in law, not a son, therefore they cannot rebuke, question, reprimand me the way they do to their own sons.

I am a son in law, not a son, because they didnt know me the day i was born, therefore they didnt shape my characters.

I am a son in law, not a son, therefore they need to learn to respect how i live my life, and not to critize it.

I am a son in law, not a son, therefore, it is my responsibility to take care, to love their daugther dearly, they cannot question my sincerity.

P/S, Dont get me wrong I do love my in laws, but i am not their son

1 comment:

  1. You know the moment you decided to get married with their daughter, you have already chosen to be a member of their family. Therefore, its not whether you are their son or son-in-law, but you are a memeber in their family.
