Friday, January 15, 2010

He Has Changed.........

Yes, for sure, definately, concretely and seriously my Jovial (eldest 13 years old) has changed, now that the change that i have been waiting for, anticipated of has indeed arrived, and i am now entering another level of school of fatherhood as far as my Jovial is concerned, so the Story goes..........

Prior to the change i'd noticed in Jovial, he was such timid kind of boy, i remember everytime when he got the scolding from me, especially at night, i would just tell him to sleep all by himself in his own room.(he is very fond of sleeping with us),then long after in the room he would stroll out of his room and came to our room, apologized and then telling us that he could not sleep without us by his side.

Now if i would to ask him to sleep all alone by himself in his room after the scolding, disdainly he would oblige. He would just storm into his room, this is not all yet, he would lock himself in and barring us from going in. As if as the protest with the message that reads like this " Papa, you punish me and keep me in the room, ok now i am here and dont you dare come in." directed at me.

Now the table is turned on me, if he is to be sent to the room, i will be the one longing to tuck him to sleep instead of him creeping up on us. How time flies really.

I remember i used to tell Jovial that it would come a time,when he would just act cool, rebellious subtly or outrightly towards the parents all in the name of Growing Up, we would tongue lash each other, he would act disdainly. To be frank i do enjoy this part of dealing with him.

It helps me to look at Jovial from the perspective of Jovial's, it makes me see things from Jovial's side and most importantly of all, it kicks my butt telling me that i should keep on Growing Up with him and it alerts me to look out for my own flaws as a father.

No matter what, i strongly believe, with a lot of attention, showering of love, reasonable scolding and affection, Jovial will turn out to be a fine young man.

P/S : He is my son, I am his father and Love is my giving.............


  1. With all due respect to you, Eugene, I'm tickled to know your 13 year old sleeps with you. Mine don' is 2 years old, the other is 6 months old :)

    P/S I'm first to comment today! Yay!!

  2. I am sure he will turn out a fine young man indeed. :)

  3. My son dun sleep with me too... we trained him to sleep in his own room since he's 1 year old.

  4. Ok,my two boys sleep with us,before bedtime we talk, we read, i joke, i make fun with them and that's how we like it.

    i know a lot of you might say we are weird, but hey i guess in no time our children will outgrow then we will start missing something,right?

  5. Yeah! They have grown up bro. :D With your guidance I'm sure he can be a great man one day. :)

  6. all in one room also saves electricity.. that goes the same with me and my girl.. *give me a high 5* ..oh but then, i m different, right???

  7. The joy of fatherhood. I have a 13 year old too. May be J can exchange notes with Sam.

    Thanks for following.

  8. Oh,Jovial is surely growing up.Teenagers are really a challenge.I have two teenage daughters, so , I do know.

    Fortunately for me, girls are more manja so, I still do enjoy both kids wanting attention from me.I love

    Jovial will be a FINE YOUNG MAN.Just enjoy his journey in becoming one, Eugene.


  9. My kids sleep in their own room since they were is effortless to train them sleep on their own since young. Your boy is growing up to be a boy who has his own opinion and thoughts therefore you should feel proud of him.... sometimes using the same old threatening methods are no longer effective and encouraged...

  10. i oso sleep alone since very young age, but my parents somehow do a special door to go into our rooms one, and only my parents hold that key.. and darn, u have no idea how much i want to lock the door forever.. AHAHAHAHAHAHA..

  11. my children would love to go to my room before bed and i would hv to shoo them away.

  12. We always tried (unsuccessfully at times, it's true) to encourage the boys to sleep in their own rooms.` Nighttime, in the bedroom, was the only time that Love Muffin and I had together alone - and conversations not meant for little ears, and other activities, made our room just a bit inappropriate for our boys. Ahem.

  13. you are doing well as a father.. and good you look at Jovial in a different perspective and not a 'fighting' child.. :D

  14. it's a new chapter of fatherhood for you bro. I'm still enjoying my honeymoon with my toddlers. :)

  15. could it be that he has reached......PUBERTY???

  16. o.O Children or no children, I want privacy with my husband. You know, the regular sex and stuff, without having to worry that the brat will wake up while we're at it.

    The boy is not welcome to sleep in our room on daily basis. I had my own room when I was 3... and started to sleep in my own room regularly by 5, and made my parents knock before they enter my room by 6.

    There's always bedroom routine with my daddy though...bedtime stories and he'll then retire to his own room shared with mum. I do the same to my son.

    I was taught about valuing privacy ever since I was a child, and I do the same to my son.

    I understand if girls tend to sleep with their parents til they're teenager, cuz my younger sister tend to beg my parents to let her sleep with them til she's in her teenage years, but i am not quite sure what to make of teenage boys who sleeps with their parents. It's rather weird for me... LOL...cuz I would have taught that boys are taught to be more manly and independence... and therefore, would be granted their own room... the latest at 8 or 9 years old!

  17. soon u will hope that they dont grow up so fast hahahaha

  18. Thank you guys for your lovely comments, by the way.

    Cleff : my sex sessions are usually slated in the morning when the children are at school, so we have longer time, for foreplay, the real play, and after play ,,,hahahaha.

    Doc : ya i guess puberty is nigh for him.

    Ann : Do you have Sam's contact, i can ask Jo to contact him.

    Lceel: I love my children to sleep with us, to strenthen the bond,

    Tekkaus, Mumsgather : thank i believe like you said, Jo will turn out to be a fine young man

  19. Sadly for me... i don't have the privileged of indulging myself with morning sex, cuz that's the time where we start the day. and work. LOL...

  20. Jovial will be great man. Dont worry about that. You've theached them well.. :)

  21. i hope we'll also find the skills to tell gab what is right and what is wrong in a loving way. we're a bit anxious but excited. he's only 2... we have plenty of time to learn from other parents like you. =)

  22. Oh no!!! I dont want my children to grow up so soon!!!! XX

  23. Yes, he is growing up!
    He will be a good young man… don’t worry!

  24. My dear Eugene,
    You have been awarded.
    please go to:
