Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I hate to love it or love to hate it....

You know life is sometimes nothing but paradox, i am not talking about you,in fact i am only talking about myself and that something called the BEERs. I have told myself that i should curtail my comsumption of alcohol, times and times again, i failed to do it.

Mark Weigen,myself and lovely wife and Naomi

Just last weekend, my wife and i were playing host to our friends from Switzerland, it was all that fun, sight seeing, shopping, chit-chatting, dinners and off course a lot of beers, like they say, i was enjoying myself to the max, and the max is never the max for me.

On their last day here in Penang, as we wanted our friends to have something to nice to remember about us before they head home, it was all the fun and karaok---ing, and for me, the evening will not be complete without beers, and it was really heavy on me as far as beer is concerned,when i woke up on Sunday but the day was totally ruined resulting from the hang-over.

Guess,i should not make excuses for myself in saying bye bye from beer drinking, it just reminds me that could i be just another drug addict that cannot break loose from the shackle of alcohol, or am i already addicted to alcoholism before i even knew it, i remembered i blog about my subtle dependence of beer and know i pledge to really doing something about it.

Besides the money spent on beer in exchange for some happy moments, i guess it might not be too good for my health too. I have to do just what i have to do.

P/S : It is better to be honest about myself than making excuses again


  1. Facing the reality makes up a large percentage of the hindrance, and you have accomplished that.

    You surely can overcome this too!

  2. Not the right person to comment about beers here I guess (as I don't drink). But wishing you all the best to curb your desire for alcoholic beverages :)

    We all know you can do it!

  3. hahaa.. perhaps u think u hv reached the "goal" in yr previous post that u went for a drink spree instead of shopping...

    well, anything too much is ruining ourselves.. so just practise some self control here.. remember yr infamous guy..he really detest it when u drink.. I can remember very well and so should u, fren...

  4. Hi Eugene, drop by to say hi.. when there is a will, there is a way.. keep up!

  5. oh anything addictive is hard to curb, but u may get ur wife to lend a hand? but i suppose that will be tough.. wishing u good luck there!

  6. I've stopped drinking completely. Just one mug and I will not be able to walk for a week - gout! Absolutely killing, the pain!...Otherwise, a glass or two occasionally will do no harm! They even say it's good for the body...but not when one drinks like a fish!

  7. U look great in this pic..clean shave!Younger , too!

  8. I Kept on wondering why people can finish 1 barrel of beer in a minute. But when come to drink 8 glasses of plain water it is hard for them to make it.;D

    Nothing is impossible! You can curb it! good luck.

  9. "little by little everuday..little by little everywhere..' hehehehe..Im sure you can do it..

  10. Eugene, don't be too hard on yourself. I think each and every one of us deserve to enjoy to a certain extend and besides it's something you do once in a blue moon and it's all in good clean innocent fun, chill buddy :)

  11. Supporting you man! :D Have a nice day. ;)

  12. thanks for sharing your inner thoughts... I guess if one does it all the time and ahve no control then it is addiction and must stop and needed intervention... but I think you are just simply having a good time with friend who you might see in a logn time again, so you I guess you ahve a good excuse lol... by the way try V drink or red bull drink for hangover.. I dont drink so I wouldn't know but a few friends already told me that it's good for hangover.
