Thursday, April 23, 2009

GOD's Issues?

Guys, please help me to find some answers to the following questions as popped up by my smart alec friends about God and its existence, just a few ones, but i really found them to be some kind of mind boggling too.

1)Would you change your current God, if there are others Gods who can fulfill your most dire needs?

2)How can you be so very sure that there is God, please dont say it is because of "faith"?

3)If human can err, how can we be so sure what written by Mark, Luke and John can be flawless?

4)Why do human race keep fighting over God when HIS intention is good?

5) Why do we need God if our conscience and our intentions are good?

P/S : No arguing please, solely your opionions, it doesnt matter if you're pious or heretic


  1. bro, i am in no position to answer your questions coz i too have questions, no doubt. i was a converted christian. all i know is that, my life is now so much more colourful than before. im not saying being a christian makes me vulnerable and without problems. it still exists, even more...but i know that God will always be with me thru ups and downs. men have to life in faith, without faith life has no meaning.

  2. I quite agreed with Calvin. Life as a Christian will not be always roses, but mostly with thorns. Throughout my challenges in life, God is and has been always been there and guiding me thro. Perhaps, God is tugging at your heart rgt now?

  3. i can only affirm this.. Believing is Seeing..
    If you believe, u see Him..seeing does not mean u can really look at him.. literally speaking..
    yes, being a christian is faced with more challenges..and that is when we turn to Him... without challenges, we forget Him.. dont' we?

  4. 1)Would you change your current God, if there are others Gods who can fulfill your most dire needs?

    Our desires lead to our suffering. Do we want to suffer?

    2)How can you be so very sure that there is God, please dont say it is because of "faith"?

    God or Tuhan or Allah is a concept of a divine super being, or Christian say the Holy Spirit. It is something we can't see but can experience. Buddhists (like me) don't believe that there is such a being because science has shown the existence of everything (almost). Nevertheless there WILL definitely be the unexplained, and this will lead people into saying that it's the work of God.

    3)If human can err, how can we be so sure what written by Mark, Luke and John can be flawless?

    I saw in a recent documentary that the Bible that we have now may have been altered from the original version. If Mark, Luke and John were indeed humans, they would have flawed. Those who believe in God will know that only He is flawless.

    4)Why do human race keep fighting over God when HIS intention is good?

    The problem lies in the ATTITUDE of humans. Their greed for power, their arrogance will forever cause deaths and sufferings to themselves and to others. They will continue to be adamant that their God is better than the rest. As long as humans continue to exhibit such attitudes, the fight would persist.

    5) Why do we need God if our conscience and our intentions are good?

    The Words of God, Tuhan or Allah is a guide to help us lead a fruitful and meaningful life. The Buddhists have their Noble Eightfold Path to adhere to. Even the atheists who don't believe in anything have something good in them somewhere.

    Bloggers, the comments are purely my own, based on logic. I'm no priest but a layman who practices a religion (or you could call it a belief) moderately, not to the extreme. What I've learnt from Buddhism which is non-existent in some religion is that we have to take the Middle Path in life, and that the only person to save us from our sins is OURSELVES, and that we have to use our brains to think, not just blindly follow doctrines by Buddhist priests. That's what made me "change" my God.

  5. by the way, my apologies if i've offended certain people inadvertently.

  6. I just chatted with a friend a day before I read this about the same topic. Question the same thing. Sadly this friend is more like attacking rather than discussing although he himself a Catholic. Sorry Eugene, out of question pulak ;p. Anyway, I have the same opinion with Claire.

  7. i didn't think it's fair to compose my thoughts on god over here, as it might contain things that may displease some readers here. If bitch-fight are to occur because of what i wrote, it better happen on my blog and not yours, Eugene. So, I wrote my answer in my own blog. Feel free to check it out, Eugene, but please be forewarned, that it might not be pleasant reading.
