Monday, August 15, 2011

Facebook has taken over the toilet bowls..

Gone are the days when we sit down our king's throne,while doing our business ,leafing through newspaper or magazine,instead now when we rest our butts on the toilet bowls, we do none other than checking on Facebook on our smartphones..

I did a random survey among some of my friends,particulary one friend, a family of four,this friend of mine shared with me that the description that illustrated above was truly evident in his house hold...the "doing business time" in the toilet is longer now and when there's rush to use the toilets and when they are occupied, it will be war cos, the voices from the occupied toilets will shout out," wait lah,, I am checking on facebook" or " wait lah, I am updating my facebook" or " wait lah, I am commenting on my friends' posts"

Looks like Facebook is simply ubiquitous,not even toilets can be spared...........I just wonder how long could you guys survive without Facebook?

Have a great week ahead ya and God Bless

P/S : When we are on high tech, let us be on High Touch as well


  1. i didnt went to that extend (god forbid) but...tried to last at least a day without facebook...uh...that's hard...during my 1 week long trip to kuching, can't help but at least can get a peek of my facebook pun jadi... =p

  2. Good for keeping in touch, keep in updated on things going on...faster than tv or radio...but I don't have a smartphone so I'm not on Facebook all the time. Will only drop by when not addicted. Maybe those who play the games will find it addictive...

  3. I suppose "I'm on the toilet bowl now" is considered a status update too for those who are addicted. Oh and don't forget twitter. Thats even easier to update.

  4. oh oh... i wouldnt dare do that.. my hp might get drowned like that! one time answering phone call during "business call" also can end up in the water floating! aiksss!!

  5. I can live without FB. But I'm constantly checking twitter.

  6. hahah.. not me... and I did survive if I don't FB for one or two days if I am out of reach to my PC.

  7. I can go without online at all on weekends. I want to spare all my time for my loved ones only.

  8. facebook? what's facebook? cream for the face or the butt?

  9. lol! imagine boss go into the toilet looking for the staff "Wait lah i am updating my facebook!"

    "facebook facebook.. ask you work not facebook" ooops? hahaha

  10. Ya,facebook is a trend now..go where and do what also is facebook facebook and facebook,haha

  11. Eh ... I dun want to update my status as my phone or pc kena shit .......

  12. hahaha I seldom online at home, coz I already online whole day in office hour.

  13. Oh, I just blogged about Facebook too. Facebooking will all come to an end if the hacker group succeeds in bringing it down for good. Did you read about it? All hell will break loose if and when that happens.

  14. google + will take over FB :P Luckily they cannot use mobile to play some FB games :P But i doubt that soon everyone will bring an ipad to their toilets :D

    p/s: No I did not chk my fb when doingbis in the toilet :P

  15. hehe, actually im more addicted to bloggin than fb at the moment :)

  16. Being advanced in technology is good thing, helping out men to minimize work load, time and bring efficiency. If u look back a few years back history.. internet just growing like mushroom sometimes really spoiling our habits coz being too addicted with online-ing.

    I would say must balance everything come with moderation. I don't deny myself being addicted too. I love to read blogger column, improving my writing skills in English, and some of the rubbish which I can on the net.

    Twitter keep on accompany when i'm down or I would rather say sharing... exchanging opinions and ideas. FB i leave it.. who not commenting too, don't have so much privacy on fb.. u know i know.. =P

  17. OMG! I thought you peeped at me this morning. I carry the iPad to FB in toilets. How true and that is time saving! No wonder iPad kena bacteria and virus.
