Friday, January 14, 2011

My fav day................

What's your most favourite day of the week ?

Mine shall always be Firday, why? I don't know why but automatically my whole being is so relaxed on Friday,mood is so wonderfully nice on Friday............

Just wonder have you ever heard of anyone naming Monday as his/her most favourite day of the week?

OK.. let me share this story with you before i sign off,,,,,,,

One day, with his most burdened heart, a husband finally drums up his courage to ask his wife who is dying from terminal cancer this question," How is it like facing everyday knowing the fact that you are going to die even the next minute ticks away?"

Then the wife smilingly away but evading his question suddenly asks her husband this instead," Dear, how is it like then without knowing when you are going to die?" Period.

Let us celebrate life, be nice to people. live a life with no regrets, love thy family and loving God.....have a great weekend guys ,, drinks on me and luv ya and God Bless.

P/S : I can't capture today without letting go of yesterday


  1. I used to love Mondays. Weekends = chores, all the cleaning and the washing...and Mondays means back to school...teaching and bullying my dear students, so nice.

  2. Like u, I love Fridays.. can stay up late and wake up much much later the next morning without feeling the "hangover" as for the normal weekdays! hahaha...
    Hap-py Week-end to you too!!

  3. Love Friday too cause next day is weekend..thanks eugene for always sharing the story that make me feel so good

  4. I love Saturday, the only day of the week I got to visit my mommy dearest!^-^

    Wishing you and your lovely family a splendid weekend!

  5. Like Alice, I love Saturday because I can have more ME time while my kids invade my parents' house and stick to them, kekeke!

    Have a happy weekend~

  6. Yeah TGIF....wearing Tee & jeans to work. Happy mood as tomorrow is weekend :)

  7. Have a good weekend :)
    I had a taxing week attending a 5 days course. So tomorrow, definitely will sleep in n reward myself.

  8. My favourite days are Saturday and Sunday la... hehe ^^
    Have a great weekend~

  9. Saturday !!! Same like u, on that day I feel more relax :)

    Have a nice weekend to you and family, God bless...

  10. Wo ye shi xu huan xing qi wu ^_^ have a lovely weekend ahead ^_^

  11. Happy Friday Eugene :)
    Looking forward for the weekend...

  12. Bananaz fav day is eDAY..EveryDay is the same 24hrs unless there is a day with 25 hours then it would be my fav day ~;).

  13. my fav day is pay day. LOL. used to look forward to the week end comes friday, but now I worked 6 days. so looks like sunday is the only day I look forward to cos it is the day the lord has made. yes it's to church which I find my rest. then to do some stuff for the remaining of the day(or what's left of it)then comes monday and the whole cycle again. so you can understand why I look forward to payday.:)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Of course,my fav day is Friday..all the same. Sure, celebrate life while we are living, put a smile in your face and love your enemies..ehhe

  16. sunday! as I don't need to work!

  17. appreciate everyday... no bad day, only bad attitude on that day.
